Join the Olive Branch Amateur Radio Club

Membership Information

The Olive Branch Amateur Radio Club was fonded in 1998 with an initial membership of four to six amateur operators.  The club serves our membership who live in the general area from Southaven, MS to Byhalia, MS.  We operate two repeaters - a two-meter repeater in Olive Branch and a 70 centimeter repeater in Lewisburg, MS.  We focus on serving our membership, the community and provide communications services to the DeSoto County Emergency Response authorities in the event of area natural disasters.

The main objectives of the Club are:

  • Promote and facilitate community participation in amateur radio.
  • Provide meeting and learning for members in the skill necessary to advance their skills in the art and science of amateur radio.
  • Provide a responsive service to the community and emergency responders in the event of natural or man-made disasters.
  • Encourage partnerships with local youth groups and encourage the youth to participate in amateur radio and communications as a service, and a recreational hobby. 

Types of Membership

There are 3 types of membership:

  • Individual - $25 per year
  • Family - $35 per year - entire family membership (including spouses and children)
  • Associate - $25 per year - membership for a interested individual who is not a licensed amateur radio operator. This membership option does not allow voting for club officers nor does it allow for the associate member to hold a club office.
  • Complementary - membership for a person who tests with OBARC and successfully passes their Technician exam. This membership is granted at no cost to the person for the remainder of the calendar year, beginning on the date of their exam.

As a club, we constantly strive to provide an environment that encourages learning in the art of Amateur Radio. We welcome new members to participate in all club activities, learn the tricks of the trade and pass along what you have learned to others. We encourage all members to progress to the highest license levels. We encourage all Extra class license holders to become Volunteer Examiners to assist in the expansion our testing capabilities for new prospective HAM radio enthusiasts and those obtaining upgrades to higher levels of license attainment.

By joining, you agree to abide by the club's constitution. All full members (Individual and family memberships) have voting rights at organized Club meetings. Prlease refer to the Olive Branch Amateur Radio Club By-Laws for details.

We conduct meetings (in-person with a Zoom video conference option) once a month.

If you have questions regarding membership in the Olive Branch Amateur Radio Club, please contact us.

Continue to the form below if you would like to join the Olive Branch Amateur Radio Club. A separate application is required for each member even if you select a Family Membership.

Olive Branch Amateur Radio Club
Membership Application Form

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As a Member, You agree:

I agree that my contact information may be collected for Club use. I further agree to the By-Laws of the Olive Branch Amateur Radio Club regarding the collection, storage and use of personal data as defined in the Club's Data Privacy Policy.

Allow your name and email information to be listed publicly on the OBARC website

I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand and accept the Olive Branch Amateur Radio Club's Privacy Policy, Constitution and By-Laws.

 Click on the Submit button below to process your membership application.
Once submitted, you will be re-directed to the Dues Payment Page
Thank you!